Systemic Sustainability

Environmental Curriculum and Instruction

1.1 Curriculum and Instruction

Elementary & middle schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction per grade level.

High schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction in four subjects (which may include multiple different differents sciences).

Kindergarten, Grade 5
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Fri, 10 May 2024
Lesson / Activity
Life Cycle- egg to chick
Teacher Name
Tammie Bolender, Jill Fraser, Carrie Baxter
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the life cycle of chicken from egg to hatching. They learned about the care needed once the chick hatches.

Other (e.g., course/clubs/subject area)
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Tue, 9 May 2023
Lesson / Activity
What do we Know about Ducks?
Teacher Name
Margorie Vannelli
Students Count
Activity Description

Students shared their understanding of ducks. Then, they learned the characteristics of a duck as a living thing.

Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Tue, 9 May 2023
Lesson / Activity
Life Cycle- Butterfly
Teacher Name
Jill Fraser
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the life cycle of a butterfly through books, videos, and observation. They then created butterfly crafts, and labeled them.

Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Tue, 9 May 2023
Lesson / Activity
How to Care for the Earth
Teacher Name
Suzette White and Brittney Hayes
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about how they can take care of the earth. They chose one action that they thought was important.

Grade 1
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
First Grade Science
Fri, 10 Nov 2023
Lesson / Activity
Parts of a Plant
Teacher Name
Justin Pulaski, Diana Johnson, Sarah Singleton
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the parts of a plant. They then went on a scavenger hunt to find pieces of these parts of plants around the school. They then created categories for their parts and grouped them in the appropriate categories.

Other (e.g., course/clubs/subject area), Grade 4, Grade 5
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Gifted and Talented Students
Tue, 8 Feb 2022
Lesson / Activity
Identify native plants
Teacher Name
Deborah Heintzen
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the importance of planting native plants and removing invasive plants. Through research, students chose native plants to plant at our local park on our annual visit.

Grade 1, Grade 3
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Grades 1 and 3 Science
Wed, 8 Dec 2021
Lesson / Activity
Planting and Caring for bulbs
Teacher Name
Alison Sprague, Fiona Joinville, Gemare Watkins
Students Count
Activity Description

A local farmer and tutor at the school (Rachel Brewer) taught students what a bulb is, how to plant and care for it. Each student then planted a bulb.

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Whole School Science
Thu, 21 Apr 2022
Lesson / Activity
Earth Balloon
Teacher Name
Jodi Boyko
Students Count
Activity Description

Students were able to learn about the Earth as Mrs. Boyko shared important facts using an inflatable Earth. Topics covered included geography, time zones, man' impact on Earth, and perspective from space.

Other Files

Earth Balloon Lesson Summaries (32.46 KB)

Earth Topics for the lesson

Grade 3
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Grade 3 Science
Thu, 19 Oct 2023
Lesson / Activity
Life Cycles
Teacher Name
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the life cycle of a plant by sprouting seeds in petri dishes. These sprouts were then grown hydroponically so that students could observe each part of the lifecycle withing their own contained environment. Students kept notes on observations and asked questions about each stage.

Grade 4
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Grade 4 Science
Fri, 10 Nov 2023
Lesson / Activity
Teacher Name
Lisa Rusek
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned how fossils form. They then participated in a lab to show how different types of weathering and erosion can reveal fossils from centuries ago. Students then determined how the investigation of fossils can help us learn about life then and how it impacts us now.

Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Kindergarten Science
Tue, 7 Nov 2023
Lesson / Activity
Life Cycle of Plants
Teacher Name
Jill Fraser, Tammie Bolender, Erica Timchula
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about the life cycles of plants by observing pumpkins that were planted by last year's students. They then carved pumpkins and investigated their seeds before planting new seeds for the class next year.

Grade 2
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Grade 2 Sceince
Wed, 18 Oct 2023
Lesson / Activity
Teacher Name
Melissa LaCotti, Carrie Baxter, Katherine Crawford
Students Count
Activity Description

Students traveled to Fair Hill Nature Center in order to learn about native insects. Students participated in a formal lesson, went on a search to find insects, then created models of insect using their specific body characteristics.

Grade 5
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Grade 5 Science
Wed, 15 Nov 2023
Lesson / Activity
Native Microscopic Species
Teacher Name
Steve Luthultz, Fiona Joinville, Jim Moore
Students Count
Activity Description

Student collected water samples from a local stream. There goal was to identify the health of the water based on plant and animal life found within the samples, as well as turbidity. They then used microscopes to look for microscopic plants and animals.


1.2 Green School Awareness

1.2.1 School Wide Awareness - Staff

Demonstrate that all school personnel are aware of your school's Green School status and application process.

Summary Description

Staff participated in an all staff meeting to review what it means for us to be a Green School, where we are in the re-certification process and the requirements. Staff was able to ask questions, discuss how things are going for our school in our environmental education of our students and give input on our goals moving forward. The staff development was led by the school Green School chairperson, Deb Heintzen.

Wed, 9 Feb 2022
Staff in Attendance
Meeting Description

Celebrated as a staff our Green School status. Reviewed what it means to be a Green School. Shared requirements for re-certification and as a staff discussed our plan moving forward as a Green School.

Other Files

CMES Green School PD 2-9-22.pptx (278.29 KB)

Slide presentation used during the all staff meeting.

Sign In Sheet 2 9 22 (97.76 KB)

Sign In Sheet from the staff awareness PD.

1.2.2 School-Wide Celebration

Demonstrate how your school celebrates beig a Green School by hosting a school-wide environmentally-focused event open to all students.

Summary Description

Each year, we host a STEAM night for families to actively engage in experiences related to science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics. The event begins with an opening presentation celebrating our commitment to begin green and our status as a Green School. Fifty-six students attended the event.

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Other Grades
Tue, 18 Apr 2023
Celebration / Event title
Event Description

Families are invited to celebrate being a Green School and participate in environmental mini-lessons.

Other Files

22-23 STEAM Night Opening Presentation (422.95 KB)

STEAM night opening presentation

Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

1.3.1 Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

Demonstrate that 10% of staff have completed an environmental PD. Instructional staff is defined as any staff that manages a gradebook.

  • New Schools must have all PD completed within the past 2 academic years.
  • Renewing schools must have all PD completed within the past 4 academic years.

A teacher who has participated in multiple workshops may only be counted once..

Summary Description

Forty-three staff members participated in a recycling professional development session hosted by Tanya Adams, Recycling Program Manager, Cecil County Department of Public Works.

Teachers also attended the 2022, and 2023 MAEOE Conferences.

Number of Teachers
Wed, 28 Sep 2022
All Staff
Development Description

Recycling professional development led by Tanya Adams in charge of the recycling program in Cecil County with Cecil County Department of Public Works. As recycling is a "top 5" for our school, we wanted to be sure we understand the current recycling process in our county.

Other Files

9.28.22 Sign In (1.48 MB)

Sign In from the 9/28/22 Recycling professional development with Tanya Adams, Recycling Manager with Cecil County Department of Public Works

Recycling for Schools 2022.pptx (2.74 MB)

Presentation used by Tanya Adams during the all staff recycling professional development.

Fri, 4 Feb 2022
Deb Heintzen
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2022 MAEOE conference virtually. Sessions the were attended included Lunch Out of Landfills, The Body Remembers: Nature Informed Approach to Trauma Recovery, Bird Detective, Climate Change and Keynote speaker presentation by Chris Hill. Teacher also attended the conference on Feb. 5, 2022.

Other Files

KeyNote Speaker (29.61 KB)

Chris Hill presentation.

Fri, 4 Feb 2022
Jodi Boyko
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2022 MAEOE conference virtually on Feb. 4 and 5, 2022. Sessions that the teacher attended were Bringing the Bay to Schools, Monarch Butterfly Gardens, MWEE opportunities, Turtles, People, Food and Sustainability.

Other Files

MAEOE Conference Notes (1) (79.67 KB)

Conference Notes

Fri, 3 Feb 2023
Erica Timchula
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2023 MAEOE conference in person in Ocean City, MD.

Other Files

Copy of MAEOE Reflections (3.74 MB)

Reflections by attendees to be used to move our school forward and shared with staff.

Fri, 3 Feb 2023
Steve Luthultz
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2023 MAEOE conference on Feb. 3-5, 2023 in person in Ocean City, MD.

Other Files

Luthultz MAEOE 2023 (115.28 KB)

Certificate of Attendance

Fri, 3 Feb 2023
Michelle Rovine
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2023 MAEOE conference in person in Ocean City, MD

Other Files

Rovine Certificate MAEOE 2023 (116.59 KB)

Certificate of attendance

Fri, 3 Feb 2023
Deb Heintzen
Development Description

Teacher attended the 2023 MAEOE conference in person in Ocean City, MD.

1.4 Achieving Sustainable Schools

1.4.1 School-Wide Staff Sustainability

Demonstrate the sustainability practices your teachers, staff, and other personnel have implemented school-wide to make your school green. Any actions involving students belong under Objective 2.

Behavior Change

Our school practices the following sustainable actions: -weekly parent and staff electronic newsletters distributed by the administration to share important information with a calendar of upcoming events. -day lighting and reduced lighting -use of chrome books to support solid waste reduction -use of online learning platforms: Seesaw in Pre-K and K and Schoology for Grades 1-5. -use of two-sided copies -use of Green Cleaners -efficient water fountains to reduce water waste

Other Files

6.11.23 (1.3 MB)

Meerkat Family weekly update. The update shares important information and the upcoming calendar in a way that reduces solid waste.

Issue 37 (507.53 KB)

Weekly staff update shared by administration to share important information and upcoming events in a way that reduces solid waste.

1.4.2 Systemic Partnership

Demonstrate one partnership with a central office or board within the school system that supports part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. Any partnerships outside of your school system belong under Objective 3.

Summary Description

Our school partnered with our CCPS maintenance department in planning our expanded outdoor learning and environmental spaces in which we planted fifteen fruit trees including: apple, pear, plum, peach and cherry.

In addition, we partnered with out Food and Nutrition department to provide healthy food and drinks for our after school student environmental team.


Student Action

Schools must document eight total actions that address at least three of the listed sustainability practices.

These are student actions not adult actions. Adult sustainable actions can be documented in Objective 1.4.

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

No records were added by the school.

2.2 Energy Conservation

2.2 Energy Conservation

Thu, 4 May 2023
Activity title
Student Green Team Energy Audit
Activity Description

Grade 4 students learned about energy conservation and participated in an energy audit of the school. As a follow up, they visited classrooms to add and replace light switch covers to encourage energy conservation. Students also made posters to hang in the hallway and cafeteria. At home, students did an energy audit with their family.

Fri, 28 Apr 2023
Activity title
Daylighting to conserve energy
Activity Description

Mrs. Fraser's Kindergarten class uses day-lighting during class instruction to conserve energy.

Fri, 10 Feb 2023
Activity title
Outdoor Classroom for Energy Conservation
Activity Description

Mr. Moore's grade 5 students conserve energy during DI class instruction in our outdoor classroom.


2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

Tue, 2 May 2023
Activity title
Recycling Practices
Activity Description

Students recycle each day in their classroom and bring this recycling to a centrally located recycling hallway bin. As students pass the hallway recycling bin, they add items. This process was determined by students as a result of training information received during a visit to the school by Tanya Adams, Director of Recycling for Cecil County.

Thu, 18 May 2023
Activity title
Compost Bin installation
Activity Description

As students learned about environmental sustainability through research and an instruction, they decided it was important to install a compost bin/area. They worked with the support of adults to build our compost area near our orchard.


2.4 Habitat Restoration

2.4 Habitat Restoration

Tue, 18 Apr 2023
Activity title
Remove Invasive Plants
Activity Description

Students in all grades remove invasive plants from the school grounds during the school year and during summer school.

Sat, 29 Apr 2023
Activity title
Orchard: Watering and Wood Chip Spreading
Activity Description

As students learn about environmental sustainability, they want to produce food on our grounds that we can eat at lunch. A 15 fruit tree orchard (apple, pear, peach, plum) was planted in the spring. As part of the maintenance and care, students watered the orchard and spread the wood chips throughout the orchard.

Thu, 16 Nov 2023
Activity title
Addition of Rain Barrels to Orchard
Activity Description

Students realized that this dry season our orchard seedlings were having trouble growing. The students in our environmental team researched ways to store water for when we need it. They then built their own rain barrels to be placed out by the orchard so that they can regulate the amount of water that they receive.


2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

No records were added by the school.

2.6 Responsible Transportation

2.6 Responsible Transportation

No records were added by the school.

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

No records were added by the school.

2.8 Citzen/Community/Participatory Science

2.8 Citizen/Community/Participatory Science

No records were added by the school.

Community Partnership

Demonstrate that your school is forming long-term partnerships to foster environmental stewardship and cultivate community wellness through real-world connections.

3.1 Community Partnerships

3.1.1 School Active in Community

Describe at least one environmentally-focused partnership in which your school is working to benefit your community.

Tue, 16 May 2023
Partner name
Cecil County Department of Parks and Recreation
Activity Description

Since 2018, our school has participated in the National Park Trust, Kids to Park event. This event promotes learning, healthy activities and stewardship at a local park. We have collaborated with Kelly Schaible, Chief, Park Operations to visit Elk Mills Community Park and spend a day learning, participating in healthy activities and being stewards of the park to protect our environment and support our community who visit the park.

Other Files

CMES- Kids to Park grant 2023 (1) (39.8 KB)

Reply about annual visit to Elk Mills Park from Kelly Schaible, Chief, Park Operator for Cecil County Parks and Recreation.

CMES- Kids to Park grant 2023 (107.24 KB)

Email to Kelly Schaible, Chief, Park Operator for Cecil County Parks and Recreation about our annual stewardship work at Elk Mills Community Park.

3.1.2 Community Active in the School

Describe at least one partnership in which a community partner is benefitting the school. These actions and projects occur on or near school grounds with support from the partner.

Sun, 1 Oct 2023
Partner name
Bartlett Tree Experts
Activity Description

Bartlett Tree Experts have made many donations to support Cecil Manor Elementary School's environmental efforts. They supplied wood stumps and logs for our outdoor learning space and wood chips for our orchard.

Thu, 12 Jan 2023
Partner name
Super Dojo
Activity Description

Staff members from Super Dojo, a community martial arts work with students on healthy activities and managing emotional stability.

Sun, 1 Oct 2000
Partner name
Recycling Visit
Activity Description

Tanya Adams visited our school to share recycling practices with our students and answer questions they have about recycling practices. This knowledge supports our recycling efforts at our school and keeps all of us applying the most current best practices.


3.2 Additional Achievements

3.2 Additional Achievements optional

Share any environmentally-related awards, special recognition, certifications, or other achievements that your school, staff or students have accomplished.

Wed, 1 Mar 2000
Title of award
National Park Trust Grant
Activity Description

For the past 5 years, students at Cecil Manor Elementary School have written and submitted an application for a grant to visit a local park, Elk Mills Community Park, located approximately a mile from the school. This grant allows students to visit the park to celebrate our parks through learning, healthy activities and stewardship.

Other Files

National Park Trust Grant Award (392.49 KB)

National Park Trust award certificate