Systemic Sustainability
Environmental Curriculum and Instruction
1.1 Curriculum and Instruction
Elementary & middle schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction per grade level.
High schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction in four subjects (which may include multiple different differents sciences).
Students in Intermediate French class read and analyzed articles in French about sustainable energy. Then they created posters about the different types of sustainable energy in French.
8th grade students went on a field trip to Dundee Creek to explore the ecosystem, water quality, and native species in the area. They collected water samples and examined pH and salinity of the water.
8th grade students went on a VIRTUAL field trip to Dundee Creek (during the COVID shutdown) with Joe Davis and Matt Budinger to learn about the natural ecosystems, water quality, and native species in Maryland.
Students in all grades participated in a recycled art fashion show using recycled materials to create fashionable pieces. Students worked on these pieces for 4 weeks!
7th grade students went outside and learned about the flora and fauna on campus in order to create posters to use for next year's new 6th graders who will learn about ecosystems and native species at CMS.
Students learned about climate change and how this is affecting weather. They designed hurricane houses that can withstand high winds.
8th grade students in Ms. Gill's American History class learned about Maryland and the state bird, state flower, tree, and symbol in order to examine the significance of nature and how it relates to history.
In honor of America Recycles Day, PE classes did recycle relays for all grade levels. Students had to take cards of items and run them down to the bins (either recycled or not recycled) to learn about which items can and cannot be recycled.
7th grade students in art class created underwater ecosystems to learn about the different types of plants and animals that live in the ocean ecosystem. Students had to research their underwater ecosystem first before creating their artwork.
6th grade students participated in a biodiversity scavenger hunt to find the difference between living and nonliving factors in their environment.
6th grade students participated in a weathering and erosion scavenger hunt around the school campus to investigate how much our school grounds have changed over the years and the effects this plays on the flora and fauna.
6th grade ELA Special Education students participated in a Philosophical chairs activity to discuss the effects of hurricanes and climate change. Students are reading "Zane and the Hurricane" in ELA.
Students in Ms. Kachik's World Cultures class examined the effects pollution has on the Ganges River and what are the solutions to stop it.
Students had to research light waves and explore alternative forms of energy in order to create posters about wind, solar, and hydroelectricity.
Students researched native Maryland species in order to create a wanted poster to showcase why native species are important to our ecosystem. Students had to find out the habitat, population numbers, environmental and human threats to the species and then come up with an action plan on how to help increase the population of this native species.
Students in the FALS and CALS Special Education program visited the Maryland Zoo and National Aquarium in order to learn about animal habitat, nutrition, and conservation strategies.
1.2 Green School Awareness
1.2.1 School Wide Awareness - Staff
Demonstrate that all school personnel are aware of your school's Green School status and application process.
Every year our Green School coordinators (Green Team leaders) provide a brief overview of environmental friendly practices that have been implemented during a fall staff meeting. This year (our Green School recertification year), our Green School coordinators went over the Green School application process and provided data and information about the importance of green practices throughout the year.
Presented a Google slideshow updating staff on the green practices our school has done in the past few years and the Green School application process.
2022 staff GS intro (10.98 MB)
PowerPoint showing the slides presented during the staff info meeting about our Green School recertification.
Green School Update Sign-in (Responses) (9.88 KB)
Sign in sheet of the staff attending the meeting about our Green School recertification.
A few years ago, CMS had a Green School Committee who was in charge of gathering evidence of environmental changes and practices around the school. This committee consisted of teachers, staff, and one parent. Then COVID hit and shut everything down. Now that we have less BCPS mandatory meetings, we have not been able to reorganize a Green School Committee.
Green School Committee update2020 (45.09 MB)
Green School committee update powerpoint informing staff of the green practices done at CMS.
1.2.2 School-Wide Celebration
Demonstrate how your school celebrates beig a Green School by hosting a school-wide environmentally-focused event open to all students.
At CMS, we celebrate Earth Day every year as a school. This year, the entire school also participated in a "Lights Out Halloween Event". Our Green Club also created a front lobby billboard showcasing all the wonderful green practices happening all around the school. Approximately 900 students.
Earth Day 2021 was called a "Hybrid Earth Day" because this was just after the COVID shutdown. We had only been back in the building for 3 weeks before Earth Day so only half of the students were in the building and the other half were at home, online. We developed a "school wide" Earth Day event where each student and teacher could choose an activity that worked for them whether they were at school or at home. The email letter below outlined the events teachers could do with their students, books they could choose to read, and the slides that were posted on the announcements. The pictures are of some of the Earth Day activities that students participated in.
List of environmental books presented during announcements to staff and students on Earth Day
Trash pick up on CMS campus
Gardening on Earth Day on CMS campus
CMS Earth Day poster contest finalist
CMS Earth Day poster contest finalist
CMS Earth Day poster contest finalist
CMS Earth Day poster contest finalist
Announcement slide informing students to wear blue or green for Earth Day.
Earth Day 2021 email to teachers (82.13 KB)
Email describing the Earth Day activities.
CMS did a school-wide Earth Day celebration where every grade did either a trash pick up around the school (at different times during the day) or an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt. Classes also took a "pledge" to do at least one green activity during the year. Our principal, Mr. Carney, did a school-wide announcement out in front of the school as well. Our advisory classes were also able to choose from an "Earth Day Choice Board" to do environmental activities and games (see Google slide attached).
Earth Day Scavenger Hunt list with students in the far background!
Earth Day scavenger hunt of students participating
Trash pick up by some of the 6th grade classes on Earth Day.
Trash pick up by some of the 7th grade classes on Earth Day
Morning announcements by our principal on Earth Day highlighting the importance of the day and the environment and encouraging students to get out and help the Earth!
Pledges made by students on Earth Day on how they will help the Earth.
This year students at CMS participated in a school-wide Lights Out event in honor of Energy Awareness month and Halloween. During the last 15 minutes of school, all classes turned all their lights out. Then, when the lights came back on, teachers talked about the importance of energy conservation using a pre-selected video, an energy usage quiz, and a slideshow.
Our Green Club created a bulletin board to display all the wonderful environmental/green things going on around the school. The bulletin board was displayed in the front lobby for two months for every student and staff to see as they walked by.
Environmental Professional Development for Teachers
1.3.1 Environmental Professional Development for Teachers
Demonstrate that 10% of staff have completed an environmental PD. Instructional staff is defined as any staff that manages a gradebook.
- New Schools must have all PD completed within the past 2 academic years.
- Renewing schools must have all PD completed within the past 4 academic years.
A teacher who has participated in multiple workshops may only be counted once..
Staff at CMS has participated in a variety of PD classes and events ranging from animal study and ecology/habitat to the effects that salting the roads have on the environment to learning how to incorporate environmental justice and literacy into the curriculum.
Virtual workshop incorporating DEIJA approaches into Environmental Education training with Lacy Consulting Services and MAEOE.
Environmental Literacy training with MAEOE to incorporate environmental education standards into the curriculum.
Natural History Society of Maryland presented a red carpet event called, "Sharkfest" to learn about the ecology, habitat, anatomy, and evolution of the shark.
Nature Forward presented an online training for recertifying green schools called, "Simple Strategies for the Green Classroom".
NatureForwardSimpleStrategiesPDCertificate_Cockeysville (729.08 KB)
Ms. Wong's certificate of the Nature Forward Simple Strategies PD course.
MAEOE sponsored a 5-part training series about using the outdoors as a classroom with an emphasis on evaluating the school grounds for outdoor learning.
Attending the Field Ornithology workshop at the Audubon Hog Island Camp coming up for the summer of 2023.
Participated in 4 planning sessions for the BCPS Goes Green program that ran during the 2020_2021 "virtual" school year. Headed up the Events and Forums committee that was run by Matt Budinger.
Attended the BCPS Camp Puh'tok Site Visit and Field Trip Preparation PD Session to learn about the opportunities available to bring students outside and learn about nature and Native American traditions.
Ms. Flemmings took a Discovery Ed training called "Ignite My Future" to learn about STEM education and career options in the computer science field.
1.4 Achieving Sustainable Schools
1.4.1 School-Wide Staff Sustainability
Demonstrate the sustainability practices your teachers, staff, and other personnel have implemented school-wide to make your school green. Any actions involving students belong under Objective 2.
CMS has made many changes as a school to become more green. An idle free zone sign was installed in February 2020 in our bus and parent pick up loop to remind drivers to turn off their engines when waiting. Many teachers and staff at CMS use natural lighting or lamp lighting instead of overhead lighting to reduce their energy use. The staff at CMS created a "Share Table" in the cafeteria where children can bring unopened items to "share" with other students and create less waste. All staff at CMS have reduced the amount of paper being used by using Schoology/digital options more often, shrinking their copies, and using both sides of the paper.
Idle free zone sign put up in front of CMS.
Idle free zone certificate awarded to CMS.
Alternative lighting in Ms. Wong's classroom.
Alternative lighting in Ms. Lintz's classroom.
The share table in the cafeteria at CMS.
LED lights being used in Mrs. Trentzsch's classroom.
Our art teachers worked together to repaint the CMS courtyard. The courtyard is used by staff and students alike to enjoy nature and the outdoors!
2 sided paper copies (3.33 MB)
Mrs. Trentzsch demonstrating the use of both sides of the paper when photocopying and the sign that hangs over the photocopier reminding teachers to use both sides of the paper.
1.4.2 Systemic Partnership
Demonstrate one partnership with a central office or board within the school system that supports part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. Any partnerships outside of your school system belong under Objective 3.
CMS has partnered with many different departments over the past 4 years:
The Office of Outdoor Science (Joe Davis and Tom Budigner) - Brought biofacts and instructional materials into 7th and 8th grade classrooms to educate students about biodiversity, fossils, and animal systems. They also hosted our 8th grade canoe field trip to Dundee Creek.
The Office of Facilities Support (Kelly Hollocker and Frank Shannon) - Visited CMS to educate students about energy conservation and give a tour of our energy systems that run the school.
Food and Nutrition Services (Paige Demski) - Hosted a talk to our Green Club about composting and how to reduce food waste.
Division of Organizational Effectiveness (Niamh McQuillan) - Worked with our Green Committee to promote the BCPS Goes Green to educate teachers on sustainability actions.
Tweet from the Office of Outdoor Science collaboration showing students exploring fossils.
Tweet by the BCPS Office of Sustainability showing Kelly Hollocker and Frank Shannon educating students about energy conservation and giving them a tour of the boiler room in February of 2022.
Frank Shannon giving students a tour of the CMS boiler room to educate them on energy conservation in February of 2022.
Share table in the cafeteria at CMS to show the example of the systemic partnership between CMS and the Office of Food and Nutrition.
What to recycle and not recycled sign posted in the cafeteria to show the systemic partnership between CMS and the Office of Food and Nutrition.
Paige Demski from Food and Nutritional Services talked to our Green Club about composting and reducing food waste.
Green60 award presentation with Niamh McQuillan and BCPS Office of Outdoor Science.
Collaboration with the Office of Outdoor Science and Katie Dell in May 2022 with Cockeysville to visit Dundee Creek.
Sustainability Forums Group Meeting Notes 11-11 (19.48 KB)
Sustainability Meeting notes from the 11/2020 BCPS Goes Green meeting with Niamh McQuillan from the Division of Organizational Effectiveness.