Systemic Sustainability
Environmental Curriculum and Instruction
1.1 Curriculum and Instruction
Elementary & middle schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction per grade level.
High schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction in four subjects (which may include multiple different differents sciences).
Students are shown musical demonstration and storybook on things that animals need to survive- shelter, sunlight, water, and food. Class takes outdoor walk and are asked to give examples on the needs that were discussed.
Students learned about the different ways we travel, and the impact that fossil fuels have on our air quality and CO2 emissions. We discussed hot air balloons as a more environmentally friendly way to travel in comparison to airplanes that have emit enormous amounts of CO2. Students created their hot air balloon art to help keep our skies and our climate safe.
Sent as a SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Lesson to all teachers in these grade levels to be presented to students. Students learned what food waste is, and how food waste negatively impacts our environment. They learned two strategies for reducing food waste at school and at home. Students complete "Top Leftover Chef" thinking of ways to make leftovers into a new meal, reducing waste
Students read the books “It’s our garden" and " How did that get in my lunchbox” about gardening, composting and the growth cycle of a seed. Then students went outside to the field to see where we could potentially build a school garden.
Students had outside class to classify and learn about types of Clouds. They made observations of the clouds in the sky and used sidewalk chalk to draw their observations and discuss what they observed.
Students learned about the life cycle of a butterfly, then demonstrated their own understanding about its stages in art class. Students were then encouraged to see if they can find any of the stages (egg, caterpillar, larvae, butterfly) outside.
This is one of the second grade student's work showing the life cycle of a butterfly. When opened you can see all the stages, when folded a butterfly is revealed.
This is one of the second grade student's work showing the life cycle of a butterfly. When opened you can see all the stages, when folded a butterfly is revealed.
Students learned about different types of rock and how to classify them. They then went outside and used their knowledge to find various types of rocks. In art class, students designed their rocks during Peace Week with positive messages. These rocks will later be used to beautify the school grounds.
Students participated in school-based field trip provided by the staff from the William S. Schmidt Center. There were three rotations: Stream Ecology, Schoolyard Report Card, and Team Building. The Stream Ecology lesson included a watershed model that demonstrated how water pollution is introduced into our waterways. Then students conducted a macroinvertebrate study. The School Yard Report Card lesson had students grade their school on erosion, trash, and wildlife habitat. Then students brainstormed ideas for how they could take action to improve the impact that their school has on the environment in one of the three areas.
1.2 Green School Awareness
1.2.1 School Wide Awareness - Staff
Demonstrate that all school personnel are aware of your school's Green School status and application process.
Green school certification awarenes seminar in staff meeting 11/6/23
Ms Jhanna Levin paid our school a visit on 11/14/23 and addressed all members of our staff. We were made aware of the importance of Green School certification and the application process, activities to participate in the program, and ways to incorporate environmental learning into the curriculum.
1.2.2 School-Wide Celebration
Demonstrate how your school celebrates beig a Green School by hosting a school-wide environmentally-focused event open to all students.
Good Neighbor Day is a community-wide day of service in Greater College Park. All students and their families were invited to volunteer their time (service). Many of our families chose to garden at Hollywood Elementary.
Good Neighbor Day is a community-wide day of service in Greater College Park. The collaborative partnership is hosted by the University of Maryland, The City of College Park, and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Students and their families were invited to volunteer their time at Hollywood ES.
Environmental Professional Development for Teachers
1.3.1 Environmental Professional Development for Teachers
Demonstrate that 10% of staff have completed an environmental PD. Instructional staff is defined as any staff that manages a gradebook.
- New Schools must have all PD completed within the past 2 academic years.
- Renewing schools must have all PD completed within the past 4 academic years.
A teacher who has participated in multiple workshops may only be counted once..
Mr Johnson (principal) as well as myself attending an environmental education PD within 4 years
Edoctrina certificate of completion for Environmental Literacy Lesson Planning
certificate-of-completion (72.75 KB)
Edoctrina certificate of completion for Environmental Literacy planning completed by 1/25/24
Our Principal Mr. Johnson attended this training to understand the application process, and add instructional resources the the Hollywood Elementary teaching toolbox. Edoctrina certificate of completion for Maryland Green School training completed on 8/23/23
1.4 Achieving Sustainable Schools
1.4.1 School-Wide Staff Sustainability
Demonstrate the sustainability practices your teachers, staff, and other personnel have implemented school-wide to make your school green. Any actions involving students belong under Objective 2.
The school supplied students with reusable water bottles for daily use, in order to stop relying on single-use plastic bottles. The use of Class Dojo to replace paper communication with parents. Asynchronous Virtual Days The use of online assignments vs paper Motion sensor lights in classroom
1.4.2 Systemic Partnership
Demonstrate one partnership with a central office or board within the school system that supports part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. Any partnerships outside of your school system belong under Objective 3.
We work together with Facilities to make sure that we are managing our waste correctly.
waste-reduction-plan-template-sy-23-24 (5.04 KB)
This is our Waste Reduction Plan for this school year.
Student Action
Schools must document eight total actions that address at least three of the listed sustainability practices.
These are student actions not adult actions. Adult sustainable actions can be documented in Objective 1.4.
2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention
2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention
Students designed posters to help our school waste less water. They posted the signs at water fountains and sinks around the school.
2.2 Energy Conservation
2.2 Energy Conservation
Each class has a designated classroom energy helper, whose duties are to ensure lights are off when we leave the classroom for lunch, specials, and the end of the day. They also are responsible for making sure the board is shut off when leaving for the day.
Students designed light switch covers to help remind everyone to turn off the lights and save energy.
2.3 Solid Waste Reduction
2.3 Solid Waste Reduction
We have an active Recycling Club at Hollywood Elementary! Students meet twice a week to make sure that classes are recycling in each class as well as at lunch. Our students are responsible for making sure that our recycling makes it to the correct dumpster so that we reduce the amount of waste that we send to the landfill.
Students come up with reminders, fun facts, and cool Green ideas that are shared out in our School Announcements.
2.4 Habitat Restoration
2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration
2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration
We have started the planning phase of this project. Our goal is to create an outdoor classroom that will provide authentic learning opportunities for all grades. This project has been funded by the Community Schools program, and we are working with an amazing partner Nema's Gardens to bring our vision to life! Our PreK students and teachers have been involved in designing the mud kitchen and raised garden beds. Our hope is that installation can take place over the summer, so that we can start the 2024-25 school year with gardening classes, and lots of outdoor learning!
2.6 Responsible Transportation
2.6 Responsible Transportation
Students wanted to remind parents to turn off their engines while waiting for dismissal. They designed signs to post along the drop off route.
2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments
2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments
No records were added by the school.
2.8 Citzen/Community/Participatory Science
2.8 Citizen/Community/Participatory Science
No records were added by the school.
Community Partnership
Demonstrate that your school is forming long-term partnerships to foster environmental stewardship and cultivate community wellness through real-world connections.
3.1 Community Partnerships
3.1.1 School Active in Community
Describe at least one environmentally-focused partnership in which your school is working to benefit your community.
Good Neighbor Day is a community-wide day of service in Greater College Park. The collaborative partnership is hosted by the University of Maryland, The City of College Park, and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Students and their families were invited to volunteer service and garden at Hollywood Elementary as well as many other sites throughout the College Park community.
3.1.2 Community Active in the School
Describe at least one partnership in which a community partner is benefitting the school. These actions and projects occur on or near school grounds with support from the partner.
Nemas Gardens will be helping us design, build, and use our SEL Wellness Garden. Nemas Garden will be focusing their attention on PreK to start, and then each year we will be increasing our focus to include another grade, eventually including the whole school.
The University of Maryland's Child Development Center hosts a toy drive around the holidays to donate to organizations in College Park, including Hollywood Elementary.
3.2 Additional Achievements
3.2 Additional Achievements optional
Share any environmentally-related awards, special recognition, certifications, or other achievements that your school, staff or students have accomplished.
No records were added by the school.