Systemic Sustainability

Environmental Curriculum and Instruction

1.1 Curriculum and Instruction

Elementary & middle schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction per grade level.

High schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction in four subjects (which may include multiple different differents sciences).

Grade 2
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
2nd Grade Science
Tue, 3 Oct 2023
Lesson / Activity
Tree Observation
Teacher Name
Kelly Depew
Students Count
Activity Description
Grade 2
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
2nd Grade Science
Wed, 15 Nov 2023
Lesson / Activity
America Recycles Day
Teacher Name
Erika Dorre
Students Count
Activity Description

Students learned about American Recycles Day and how important it is to recycle. Students participated in various activities and lessons that revolved around recycling.


1.2 Green School Awareness

1.2.1 School Wide Awareness - Staff

Demonstrate that all school personnel are aware of your school's Green School status and application process.

Summary Description

During Fall 2022, all Marley Elementary School staff & personal attended a school wide awareness of Green School Certification professional development. As the school Science Lead, Lisa Knofski instructed and informed Marley's staff.

No meetings

No records were added by the school.

1.2.2 School-Wide Celebration

Demonstrate how your school celebrates beig a Green School by hosting a school-wide environmentally-focused event open to all students.

Summary Description
Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
Other Grades
Wed, 6 Apr 2022
Celebration / Event title
Butterfly Signage Presentation
Event Description

Arlington Echo presented and installed Marley Elementary's Butterfly sign.


Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

1.3.1 Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

Demonstrate that 10% of staff have completed an environmental PD. Instructional staff is defined as any staff that manages a gradebook.

  • New Schools must have all PD completed within the past 2 academic years.
  • Renewing schools must have all PD completed within the past 4 academic years.

A teacher who has participated in multiple workshops may only be counted once..

Summary Description

During Fall 2022, all Marley Elementary School staff & personal attended a school wide awareness of Green School Certification professional development. As the school Science Lead, Lisa Knofski instructed and informed Marley's staff.

Number of Teachers
Wed, 5 Oct 2022
Lisa Knofski & Mari Hall
Development Description

During Fall 2022, all Marley Elementary School staff & personal attended a school wide awareness of Green School Certification professional development. As the school Science Lead, Lisa Knofski instructed and informed Marley's staff.


1.4 Achieving Sustainable Schools

1.4.1 School-Wide Staff Sustainability

Demonstrate the sustainability practices your teachers, staff, and other personnel have implemented school-wide to make your school green. Any actions involving students belong under Objective 2.

Behavior Change

1.4.2 Systemic Partnership

Demonstrate one partnership with a central office or board within the school system that supports part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. Any partnerships outside of your school system belong under Objective 3.

Summary Description

Student Action

Schools must document eight total actions that address at least three of the listed sustainability practices.

These are student actions not adult actions. Adult sustainable actions can be documented in Objective 1.4.

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

Thu, 9 Feb 2023
Activity title
Stormwater Cleaning
Activity Description

Students and Staff help clean the local stormwater drains at the school to help prevent pollution going into the Chesapeake Bay watershed.


2.2 Energy Conservation

2.2 Energy Conservation

No records were added by the school.

2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

Tue, 3 Oct 2023
Activity title
Activity Description

4th graders help Marley gather items to compost while also picking up trash.


2.4 Habitat Restoration

2.4 Habitat Restoration

Wed, 1 Mar 2023
Activity title
Butterfly Garden Restorations
Activity Description

3rd & 4th grade classes cleared and restored Marley's butterfly garden.


2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

No records were added by the school.

2.6 Responsible Transportation

2.6 Responsible Transportation

No records were added by the school.

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

No records were added by the school.

2.8 Citzen/Community/Participatory Science

2.8 Citizen/Community/Participatory Science

No records were added by the school.

Community Partnership

Demonstrate that your school is forming long-term partnerships to foster environmental stewardship and cultivate community wellness through real-world connections.

3.1 Community Partnerships

3.1.1 School Active in Community

Describe at least one environmentally-focused partnership in which your school is working to benefit your community.

No records were added by the school.

3.1.2 Community Active in the School

Describe at least one partnership in which a community partner is benefitting the school. These actions and projects occur on or near school grounds with support from the partner.

No records were added by the school.

3.2 Additional Achievements

3.2 Additional Achievements optional

Share any environmentally-related awards, special recognition, certifications, or other achievements that your school, staff or students have accomplished.

No records were added by the school.