Systemic Sustainability

Environmental Curriculum and Instruction

1.1 Curriculum and Instruction

Elementary & middle schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction per grade level.

High schools must provide one example of outdoor/environmental instruction in four subjects (which may include multiple different differents sciences).

Grade 3
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
STEM Enrichment Summer Program
Mon, 24 Jul 2023
Lesson / Activity
Creation of Personal Green Houses
Teacher Name
Emily Small
Students Count
Activity Description

Students soaked beans and dissected the beans in order to determine each part's function. Students then recycled plastic bags from breakfast in order to create a pocket for their personal greenhouses. Students wrapped soaked beans in damp paper towels and placed them in the recycled bags. Students decorated their personal greenhouses and placed them on the windows so the sunlight would be available.

Grade 4
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
4th Grade Soccket Solution Solar Balloon
Thu, 18 May 2023
Lesson / Activity
Solar Balloon Outdoor Lesson
Teacher Name
Mr. Cagan, Mrs. Herrmann, and Mrs. Harpster
Students Count
Activity Description

Padonia Fourth Graders participated in a hands on science lesson outside during the Soccket Solution Unit. The students were able to use the solar balloon to see how solar energy from the sun turns into kinetic energy within the solar balloon. The students were able to explore their investigating through feeling and seeing the solar balloon in action.

Grade 5
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
5th Grade BioBlitz Field Trip
Fri, 14 Oct 2022
Lesson / Activity
BioBlitz Field Trip
Teacher Name
Mrs. Moreau, Mrs. Neuman, and Mr. Felter
Students Count
Activity Description

The fifth grade students went on a field trip to Oregon Ridge Nature Center to participate in a field study where they investigated the biodiversity of a local park. This trip went along with the 5th grade BioBlitz curriculum. After the field trip the students were able to bring the knowledge back to their schoolyard and collect data for the biodiversity in the school area.

Grade 2
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
2nd Grade Physical Education
Tue, 6 Feb 2024
Lesson / Activity
Bowling with 2 liter Soda Bottles
Teacher Name
Mr. DeGroat
Students Count
Activity Description

The second grade team wrote letters to the Padonia International staff to collect recyclable two liter soda bottles. The second grade students wanted to use the soda bottles to create games of bowling in PE class. The students were able to collect two liter soda bottles, paint them, and use them to play games of bowling in physical education class. This allowed the students to participate in recycling, repurposing, and enjoy a new game in class.

Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Mrs. Denobrega
Mon, 11 Dec 2023
Lesson / Activity
Mural Creation
Teacher Name
Mrs. Denobrega
Students Count
Activity Description

Students in Mrs. Denobrega's pre-k class helped create a mural to go along with their "Our Environment" unit. The reused newspaper to create coral reefs. They also used other recycled materials to help create their mural such as egg cartons and scraps of paper from the copy room. While creating the mural the teacher taught the students about the importance of reusing scraps and items we would often throw away.

Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Ms. Stuller's Class
Thu, 14 Sep 2023
Lesson / Activity
Nature Investigation
Teacher Name
Ms. Stuller
Students Count
Activity Description

Ms. Stuller's class connected their English Language Arts lesson to nature by participating in a nature walk after their read aloud. The students collected data on what items they could find in nature within the school yard. The located how many acorns they found, different leaves, pinecones, and if they saw any squirrels.

Grade 1
Class Name (3rd grade science, AP Biology)
Mrs. Santangelo
Wed, 24 May 2023
Lesson / Activity
Math lesson using tally marks
Teacher Name
Mrs. Santangelo
Students Count
Activity Description

The students in Mrs. Santangelo's first grade class took their learning outside when learning about using tally marks. The students used twigs to help them practice using tally marks when counting by 5s. This also allowed students to think of items they can use in nature at home as well when completing any math problem. They were able to connect the math curriculum to the nature that surrounds them.


1.2 Green School Awareness

1.2.1 School Wide Awareness - Staff

Demonstrate that all school personnel are aware of your school's Green School status and application process.

Summary Description

The leaders of Green Team at Padonia presented at a faculty meeting about the Green School recertification and collaborated with staff members on how their classes can be more involved in our green school.

Mon, 11 Sep 2023
Staff in Attendance
Meeting Description

Padonia International Elementary staff was introduced to the Green School application process at a Monday afternoon staff meeting. The presentation was presented to the staff on September 11th, 2023.The staff was informed on ways they can support the school's recertification process and folder in the shared drive on ways they can document what they are doing in their classroom. The staff helped the Green Team come up with a school wide celebration and ways they can support their students being involved in our green school.

Other Files

Faculty presentation (7.62 MB)

Presentation from our faculty meeting to inform all of the staff on how they can support our Green School recertification.

1.2.2 School-Wide Celebration

Demonstrate how your school celebrates beig a Green School by hosting a school-wide environmentally-focused event open to all students.

Summary Description

Padonia hosted a Creation Station for the families which celebrated our love for recycling materials and reusing materials to have fun with science. There were 112 people in attendance at this event. The science committee partnered with the Green Team to host the creation station. The creation station included an earthquake simulator activity that used recycled cardboard and recycled index cards to build a tower and simulate an earthquake. The creation station also hosted a recycled marble run where students used recycled materials such as paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, and other cardboard items to create a marble run. T

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Other Grades
Tue, 9 Jan 2024
Celebration / Event title
Padonia International Creation Station
Event Description

The "Padonia International Creation Station" hosted hands on learning using recycled materials for each activity. The activities that were taking place at this event were as followed; earthquake simulator, solo cup stack, spaghetti and marshmallow towers, mosaics, and recycled marble runs. All of these activities were created to celebrate the schools passion for recycling and investigation with science.

Other Files

Family Science Night flyer 2024 (2) (103.27 KB)

The flyer that went home to all students about our Padonia International Creation Station.

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Other Grades
Mon, 22 Apr 2024
Celebration / Event title
Earth Day Dress Up Day
Event Description

The school is celebrating Earth Day by doing a school wide Earth Day Dress Up Day. This day is an event where all of the Padonia students are dressing up as something in nature. This day is used to spread awareness for Earth Day and excite students about all of the Earth Day activities that are being done in and out of the classroom. After celebrating Earth Day in school there will be a school wide cleanup around the school grounds.

Other Files

Earth Day Dress Up Day (21.58 KB)

This is the documentation for our school wide celebration that will take place on Earth Day.

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Other Grades
Mon, 30 Oct 2023
Celebration / Event title
Science Fall Festival Week
Event Description

This week was created to celebrate as a whole building. On Monday we turned our lights out for twenty minutes to conserve energy. On Tuesday we participated as a school as a trash free Tuesday. On Wednesday students wore green to support the Earth and going green. On Thursday the students wore animal prints and were able to read stories about different animals in our environment. Lastly, on Friday students spent a portion of their English Language Arts class reading outside.

Other Files

Science Fall Festival Week Flyer (1) (146.91 KB)

This is the flyer for the Science Fall Festival Week.

Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

1.3.1 Environmental Professional Development for Teachers

Demonstrate that 10% of staff have completed an environmental PD. Instructional staff is defined as any staff that manages a gradebook.

  • New Schools must have all PD completed within the past 2 academic years.
  • Renewing schools must have all PD completed within the past 4 academic years.

A teacher who has participated in multiple workshops may only be counted once..

Summary Description

Teachers from Padonia International Elementary School attended the BCPS Green School Summit to learn from local partners. The teachers learned about recycling opportunities for schools, tree planting with a Local watershed, environmental education and project-based learning, and understanding the MD environmental literacy framework. The BCPS Green School Summit took place on September 25th 2023 from 8:30-11:30am.

Number of Teachers
Mon, 25 Sep 2023
Mrs. Eng, Mrs. Harpster, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Cline, Mrs. Gambo, and Mrs. Neuman.
Development Description

Padonia teachers attended the 4 out of the 5 sessions. Through this summit we were able to apply and receive a transportation grant through MAEOE. The grant allowed our Green Team member to take a field trip to the MRF in Cockeysville and learn about recycling.

Other Files

GS Summit Flyer_Final_09-01-23 (1) (466.67 KB)

The flyer from BCPS Office of Science PreK-12 and Office of Facilities Support Services which invited us to attend the Green School Summit.

1.4 Achieving Sustainable Schools

1.4.1 School-Wide Staff Sustainability

Demonstrate the sustainability practices your teachers, staff, and other personnel have implemented school-wide to make your school green. Any actions involving students belong under Objective 2.

Behavior Change

Padonia International developed and maintained a community cottage where families receive donated clothing, food, and electronics. Tried But True, a local consignment boutique, has partnered with Padonia to donate all end of season clothing. This demonstrates a sustainable community mindset.


1.4.2 Systemic Partnership

Demonstrate one partnership with a central office or board within the school system that supports part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. Any partnerships outside of your school system belong under Objective 3.

Summary Description

As a Green Team we met with Mr. Tom Melito the BCPS Green School Leader who assisted in the planning and gave advice on completing the application for our recertification for Green Schools.

We also met with Kelley Holocker, the analyst for energy and sustainability for the Office of Facilities Support Services for BCPS. She met with us about our progress and the process of composting using data to drive progress.


Student Action

Schools must document eight total actions that address at least three of the listed sustainability practices.

These are student actions not adult actions. Adult sustainable actions can be documented in Objective 1.4.

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

2.1 Water Conservation/Pollution Prevention

Sat, 16 Apr 2022
Activity title
Litter Cleanup
Activity Description

Students and parents participated in a community wide clean up for 2 years. Students removed trash from the perimeter of the public library, tennis court, man made lake, basketball court and baseball field.

Wed, 22 Dec 2021
Activity title
Students promote mask storage
Activity Description

Green Team members wanted to encourage the appropriate storage and disposal of masks, so they created signage to reduce inappropriate mask waste; thus keeping masks out of the water drains and Chesapeake Bay.

Tue, 21 Dec 2021
Activity title
Students promote reusable water bottles
Activity Description

From 2021- 2023, Padonia water fountains were out of commission, so students needed to fill cups from water coolers. In order eliminate additional waste from plastic cups and plastic water bottles, students from Ms. Kelly's third grade class created signs to encourage students and staff to bring reusable water bottles to school. This helped keep cups and bottles out of Maryland Recycling Facilities.


2.2 Energy Conservation

2.2 Energy Conservation

Mon, 30 Oct 2023
Activity title
School Wide Energy Conservation
Activity Description

As part of our "Science Spirit Week" students used natural light, lights from computers, and classrooms lamps for 20 minutes. They also enjoyed read alouds outside to minimize indoor energy.

Sat, 10 Sep 2022
Activity title
Flashlight Friday
Activity Description

In order to reduce energy, students would earn 30 minutes of reading with flashlights on Fridays. When "Flashlight Friday" incentives took place, lamps, overhead lighting, and devices were turned off.

Thu, 7 Sep 2023
Activity title
Tech Liaison Job
Activity Description

Padonia students participate in classroom responsibilities. One responsibility that students can earn is the "Tech Liaison." Each week a specific student in each class is responsible for unplugging LED lights, as well as turning off lamps and Promethean Boards.


2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

2.3 Solid Waste Reduction

Tue, 31 Oct 2023
Activity title
Trash Free Tuesday
Activity Description

As part of our science "Fall Festival" in October of 2023, students opted to bring in reusable containers when bringing lunch to school.

Thu, 11 Jan 2024
Activity title
Compost/ Food Separation
Activity Description

Padonia students separate food, trays, and trash in order to reduce solid waste. This has been a school wide initiative that began in 2021.

Tue, 20 Feb 2024
Activity title
Green Team Green Houses with breakfast bags
Activity Description

Students in the Green Team reused the bags we get our school breakfast in to make green houses. These green houses were displayed in the classroom and the students took them home to talk to their families about growth within a green house.

Tue, 23 Jan 2024
Activity title
Created Recycled Bowling
Activity Description

Students used 2 liter soda bottles to create bowling pins. The students painted the inside of the soda bottles and used them to create a game of bowling.


2.4 Habitat Restoration

2.4 Habitat Restoration

Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Activity title
Butterfly Garden Maintenance
Activity Description

The students at Padonia International Elementary came to school on a Saturday to weed, add compost, and remove trash from the already established butterfly garden. This maintenance was important in keeping our butterfly garden flourishing.

Tue, 12 Apr 2022
Activity title
Planting Native Maryland Plants
Activity Description

Students planted native plants to Maryland in the areas surrounding the flagpole in the front of the school yard.

Fri, 19 May 2023
Activity title
Students Picking Up Trash
Activity Description

Students used trash grabbers to dispose of trash surrounding the school yard in order to maintain a healthy environment we spent years creating and maintaining.


2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

2.5 Opportunities for Nature Exploration

No records were added by the school.

2.6 Responsible Transportation

2.6 Responsible Transportation

No records were added by the school.

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

2.7 Healthy Indoor Environments

Mon, 26 Feb 2024
Activity title
Edible ABC's
Activity Description

Maryland SNAP-Ed is a federally funded program within the University of Maryland Extension that creates healthier environments and improves the health and wellbeing of limited income families across Maryland. This year, SNAP-Ed is partnering with BCPS Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) and the BCPS Office of Early Childhood Programs to offer the Edibles ABCS program to select schools, complete with tastings provided by FNS and offered through each school’s cafeteria. All food for tastings will come from FNS, therefore students will be tasting items that are offered through the cafeteria during the school year.

Tue, 13 Feb 2024
Activity title
Fit Kids Club
Activity Description

Third grade students approached Mr. Degroat about having a "Fit Kids Club". Once Mr. DeGroat agreed,students in grades 3, 4, 5 participate in FIt Kids Club Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am. Students play a variety of sports, as well as exercise prior to their 6 and 1/2 hour school day.

Fri, 8 Dec 2023
Activity title
Soccer Club
Activity Description

Padonia's Student Council approached a staff member about starting a Soccer Club in 2021. Once Mrs. Moreau agreed to running this club, Fourth FIfth grade students began participating in two different sessions of Soccer Club each year. Students stretch, run and practice soccer drills.

Fri, 17 Mar 2023
Activity title
Basketball Club
Activity Description

Fourth Grade Students approached Mrs. Eng to begin a Basketball Club. As part of the 2024 SPring incentive, Basketball Club will be offered to fourth and fifth grade students.


2.8 Citzen/Community/Participatory Science

2.8 Citizen/Community/Participatory Science

No records were added by the school.

Community Partnership

Demonstrate that your school is forming long-term partnerships to foster environmental stewardship and cultivate community wellness through real-world connections.

3.1 Community Partnerships

3.1.1 School Active in Community

Describe at least one environmentally-focused partnership in which your school is working to benefit your community.

Sat, 16 Apr 2022
Partner name
Balt Co Litter Blitz
Activity Description

The students from Padonia partnered with Baltimore County Litter Blitz to team up with students from Dulaney High School to clean the area around the Cockeysville Library, the County Home Park, and the Padonia International Grounds. Baltimore County Litter Blitz is organized through Clean Green Sustainable Baltimore County. This partnership has continued since its start in 2022.


3.1.2 Community Active in the School

Describe at least one partnership in which a community partner is benefitting the school. These actions and projects occur on or near school grounds with support from the partner.

Wed, 17 Aug 2022
Partner name
Tried But True
Activity Description

Padonia International has a partnership with Tried But True clothing consignment. The business has partnered with Padonia to ensure that our students have gently used coats, clothing for school concerts, every day clothing. This allows clothing to be reused and limits clothing in the landfills.

Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Partner name
Maryland Book Bank
Activity Description

The Maryland Book Bank donated used books to the students at Padonia International Elementary School. These books were donated for kids to take home and read of school break. This gave students the opportunity to recycle books instead of buying new.

Wed, 23 Mar 2022
Partner name
Home Depot Cockeysville
Activity Description

Padonia has established a strong partnership with Home Depot that has continued since 2017. Through this partnership Home Depot have donated soil, seeds, trash bags, gloves, trash grabbers, flowers and garden supplies. These donations have allowed our students to create and maintain a butterfly garden and salad table. We are so thankful for this partnership.


3.2 Additional Achievements

3.2 Additional Achievements optional

Share any environmentally-related awards, special recognition, certifications, or other achievements that your school, staff or students have accomplished.

Wed, 31 Aug 2022
Title of award
Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program
Activity Description

Padonia International Elementary School won an award from the office of the food and nutrition services of Baltimore County Public Schools for composting over 10,000 lbs of leftover school lunch.

Fri, 6 Oct 2023
Title of award
Padonia International Elementary School Fall 2023 Transportation Award
Activity Description

We received an award from MAEOE for funding a field trip for the Green Team to go to the Maryland Recycling Facility in Cockeysville. This allowed the students to learn more about recycling and how we can take what we learned back to our school community.
